Well, I’ve only ever been able to see ‘The Exorcist’ as a comedy, and if you believe Martin Shaw in the BBC’s nutty new exorco-drama ‘Apparitions’, that probably means I’m possessed. Hey ho, we all have our crosses to bear (or rather, pitchforks). In my defense, the scene in ‘The Exorcist’ that first set meContinue reading “Why I’m writing a Spanish Inquisition cop show”
Category Archives: General grumpiness
Exploding laptops
Well, this is a holding post, as my laptop died on me this week. I’ve just finished the basic rebuilding on it – reformatting the hard drive, fortunately losing no data apart from lots of emails. So, if you’ve mailed me between the middle of last week and the beginning of this week, please re-send!Continue reading “Exploding laptops”