Reading Rainbow’s a US children’s TV show that ran from 1983 until 2006. Levar Burton introduced various guest stars, reading books for child viewers. As a Brit, I understood it to be something like Jackanory; its theme tune apparently has massive resonance for Americans of a certain age. Here is that theme tune, covered byContinue reading “Jim Morrison’s Reading Rainbow”
Category Archives: Psychedelia
Psychedelia, empire and Matt Berry’s badger
If there’s one thing that Matt Berry’s ‘The Badger’s Wake’ (available on the the excellent album ‘Witchazel’) has been helping me think about, it’s how deeply English psychedelia is rooted in nostalgia. From Richard Dadd on, it’s been about looking backwards as much as forwards. Again and again, key visionaries have gone diving intoContinue reading “Psychedelia, empire and Matt Berry’s badger”