I’ve been podcasted! Many thanks to Steve Aryan for having me on the ever awesome Crash Landing over at Geek Syndicate. Steve and I talked about the five novels I’d want to have with me if I was stranded on an alien planet. Some of the books I chose are SFnal, some are magical, oneContinue reading “Crash Landing with five of my favourite novels”
Tag Archives: M. John Harrison
growing up with new worlds
(I was rooting around in the files the other day and found this blog post. I wrote it back in 2015, for the launch of ‘Crashing Heaven’, but it was never published anywhere, so I thought I’d put it up now. Enjoy!) I used to walk the family dog in fields by the Thames, justContinue reading “growing up with new worlds”
at play in infinity
I spent Friday both talking and listening at the wildly enjoyable Playful 2011 Conference (that’s me on-stage above – pic @thisisplayful). This post is a very quick follow-on to that. I’ve had quite a few requests for both the talk itself and a list of the writers I mentioned. So, I’ve posted the talkContinue reading “at play in infinity”